Digital healthcare unicorn - DocPlanner

International healthcare disruptor DocPlanner Group manages its scaling and transfer pricing with iVC

International tax and transfer pricing in healthtech

DocPlanner is the world's biggest digital healthcare platform. With over 260,000 active doctors in over 13+ countries, the business processes over 22 million monthly patient bookings.

Over the past four years, iVC Consulting has been DocPlanner's trusted advisor and have delivered and oversaw over 30 projects. We've helped DocPlanner's finance team to enact the transfer pricing strategy, integrate their acquisitions, adhere to transfer pricing requirements in various countries, and manage DocPlanner's IP structure.

iVC Consulting delivers the advice and coordination of business scaling via monthly value chain calls.

  • Monthly value chain calls

  • 30+ projects delivered

  • Design and maintenance of global TP structure

  • Intercompany Transaction Calculation Tool

  • Acting as an extended team, in-house tax function

  • Long-term collaboration

Value Chain Challenges in Healthtech

Cost allocation

Cost allocation distributes expenses for regulatory compliance, R&D, and IT infrastructure across activities and departments. Methods such as activity-based costing ensure precise allocation, improving the understanding of financial performance and supporting strategic decisions in the value chain.

Managing IP structure

Compliant tax strategies, including understanding local tax regulations and leveraging tax incentives, optimising financial performance and ensuring compliance, and supporting overall value chain effectiveness across multiple jurisdictions without increasing complexities, enabling continued scale.

Tax Compliance
M&A Integration

Managing IP jurisdiction and transfer pricing involves allocating costs and profits for intangible assets, such as software, trademarks and patents, across different regions. Accurate transfer pricing ensures clear ownership of IP and compliance with international tax regulations, aligns tax outcomes with the operational models.

M&A is critical for healthtech scale ups. Post deal integration has to consider not only technology, cultural, regulatory aspects but also operational changes needed, assess the usage and valuation of acquired IP and other assets, identify duplication of efforts. Merging acquired operations into the scalable structure with a common or shared IP and retaining or repositioning key talent in the right jurisdictions is vital for maximising M&A value.

The team at iVC Consulting is young, but nevertheless very experienced and knowledgeable. They quickly obtained a good understanding of our quite complex global structure and resulting needs in relation to our global transfer pricing policy.

Peter Bialo
CFO and Board


What iVC delivered for DocPlanner?

Our Value Chain Consultants have provided the DocPlanner team with the confidence to scale, acquire aggressively and deliver a structure that works within the OECD framework and local tax rules.

Transfer pricing structure

Created and implemented a clear transfer pricing structure that set up scalable intercompany arrangements between numerous entities within the group, allowing them to share resources at the right price.

In-house tax function

Integrated within, acting as an in-house tax function. Providing DocPlanner with robust OECD-compliant documentation, tax and accounting tools, all to ensure that each entity complies within its jurisdiction and pays the right amount of taxes due.

Monthly value chain calls

Establishing regular value chain calls allows teams to share updates on ongoing projects, identify, and define new challenges that iVC Consulting can help DocPlanner solve, enact, and leverage. We're their long term strategic advisors.

iVC Consulting designs and implements operating structure that enables DocPlanner to scale

iVC designs and maintains DocPlanner's global transfer pricing and tax structure. We maintain, manage, and, revise when appropriate, update its structure based on internal and external changes.

Our team of Value Chain Experts provide ongoing monthly value chain calls for peace of mind and ongoing support with decision-making.

Get in touch

iVC Road to Value Creation

We provide a clear path to scalability with a supportive team that delivers regular catch-ups to ensure we're strategically aligned with your needs, building value chain structure that enables you to scale and grow internationally based on your vision for the long term.